Stark Reality of Muslim oppression, could it be solved?


Persecution of Muslims can be based on many factors that mainly include that they are being stereotyped ‘as the other’ in many countries. As a result, the foundational reasons can be highlighted on social, religious, Cultural and political basis.

This global issue isn’t addressed in a certain way as the Muslims being a minority group, have certain rights according to the constitution of that state ,but they are not practiced in non-liberated societies.

Moreover, while stating this matter, it’s important to highlight those countries where this practice is more common or the place where Muslim voices are suppressed by the law which mainly includes countries like China, India, Poland and France. The focus of our blog will be discussing the problem by giving future implications to overcome Muslim oppression.

China’s act of establishing forced concentration camps for the ethic group Muslim “Uyghurs’’ is the result of their troublesome history with Chinese government. In 2004, when Uyghur leaders created an international organization to build connections with their own people, Chinese government controllably captured, executed them and labelled as “terrorists”.

Also, in 1943, china repeatedly acts unjustly to Muslim Uyghurs and created a religious disparity with the ethnic group Han (non-Islamic) by acting favorably to them.

One of the research papers suggest a solution that State should form domestic policies having structural frame work which includes federalism or devolution of powers to encourage Uyghurs to act decisively in their separate province without much interference of the center or either Chinese should induct Uyghurs in their politburo so they don’t feel marginalized or suppressed by the collective Chinese government.

Hence, I believe the above solutions will allow Uyghurs to not chant the slogans of separation and ignite the Chinese gov. to create assimilatory policies on them like concentration camps.

Also, as china’s aim is to be a unified dominant nation, they aren’t able to allow any foreign entities to be dominant over their country; which mainly encourages them to adapt unjust means i.e. killing and forming such kind of camps.

In my opinion, to discourage the fact that Chinese in interest of their country can oppressed Muslims, enables other powerful countries to be together in fight of this act of oppressing human rights.

By taking such step, they can stand against it in united nation human rights counsel and veto it. Consequently, this international pressure and the isolation by the states towards China will cause their trade dealing to be on stake.

Muslim oppression being prevalent in India includes historical factors, religious differences which results in enragement among Hindu nationalists. The cow protection lynching, where Hindus’ perception of cows as a holy animal and Muslims religiously sacrificing cows, eventually turns into a fearsome situation for Muslims by the Hindu nationalists.

Then, term 'love jihad'- the allegation of interfaith marriages by Muslim men on their holy war against Hindus, marrying Hindu women to convert them to Islam. Adding more, Muslim history such as removing Taj Mahal form the Hindu tourist sites and Mughal history being erased from the curriculum. In 2019 a citizenship law passed by India, threatens Muslims to be stripped of the nationality in their living country.

Protest against this law, is met with brutality by Indian police and pro-government supporters as, in Delhi it resulted in killings and arrestation of Muslims by police. The government had taken some actions towards it, however, their political part BJP hate-filled remarks against Muslims protesters.

The study suggests Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 should be repealed to ensure that any future discrimination be compliant with international legal standards. Freedom of speech be protected and hate speech be avoided by gov. officials. And, any abuse be considered under impartial investigation.

Nonetheless, I believe these solutions will only prove to be useful if the people and the government learn to respect each other’s religion and culture rather than degrading.

Furthermore, tolerance should be promoted in all spades of life and police should remain unbiased and professional about upholding the rule of law. Indian government should improvise their curriculum for schools or colleges which must contain the elements which gave pristine importance to the overarching national heroes of subcontinent rather than portraying Muslim as ‘other’.

Lastly, discriminatory laws against any minorities living in India should be scraped off as they are the green light for violence against Muslims. The presence of such black laws poses a question mark regarding the secular government of India.

Moving further to Poland, it is estimated that Muslims stand for around 13% of the Polish population. One of the articles in Poland’s well-known magazines “Politics” reads - more and more Muslims experience physical as well as verbal assaults from Poles.

On the year to year basis, the situation gets worse die to the immigration crisis in Europe and offensive election campaigns in Poland.

“A Brown Book” item not known to me before is a written register of incidents and hatred-driven assaults. Murders, beatings, hate-speech and many more - with everything documented it is publicly known that the issue gets bigger.

The other reason for such behavior may also be, as the source claims, due to lack of intervention from the part of government and so-valued church institutions. In 2017, Lublin, assaults happened at the work places of immigrants.

Another event Outside the kebab bar owned by a Turkish, Moroccan and Algerian men, a large group of xenophobic Poles throw rocks and fireworks at the restaurant. What is more, the young people more used to internet starts performing virtual abuse. Although they were accused of murder at the end but it does not give an excuse for unnecessary violence.

In my opinion, media doesn’t connect Muslims with the growing issue of terrorism. And while in some cases the connection is done rightly, one shall realize that the religion itself does not define people; each individual should be treated equally accordingly to their actions.

Probably, in Poland the hatred is only empowered by the lack of action from the government side. Since 2015, Close-to-populist party used the fear of the unknown of the Polish citizens and promised a country “less affected by migration” by fighting against Muslims.

Hence, it can be assumed that 36% of Polish citizens consider Muslims a great threat to their country. The truth is that as much as we want to be open-minded and focused on moving forward in this “equality” game, some of us, unfortunately the representatives of Poland are yet not ready to take this step.

The fear of the unknown might be rooted in the fact that Muslims are associated with terrorism. And although history proves that sometimes the nations may not get along, we as the newest generations should be the ones to change this view. So, talk to that girl wearing hijab, tell the directions to a person of color asking for it in the subway.

In 2011, France’s president Nicolas Sarkozy banned Islamic veils (hijab, burka) by stating that it prevents the clear identification of a women causing security risks and social hindrance within a society which relies on facial recognition.

He also claimed that if women continue this practice, will be forced to assimilate into traditional French social norms. However, in Islam wearing hijab is pertinent or essential part of Muslim women which she chooses to wear in the contextual circumstances. These actions traced back to 1989’s scarf affairs under which hijab is no longer allowed in schools.

In 2019, 84-year-old man attempted to set a mosque on fire as he did not like Muslims in his country. As two young man tried to apprehend him, he shot and wounded both of them. A mother was even told to leave her daughter’s school council meeting as she was wearing a hijab.

In 2015 Paris attack, Muslims were also subjected to house searches and freedom movement within the city and they were even unemployed.

In conclusion there are laws that are being put in place to fight the hate against Islam.

President Macron said “The goal has been to create an Islam that both conforms to national values, notably secularism, and is immune to the radical interpretations that have gained a footing in certain parts of the Muslim world” which basically implies that he wants Islam to stay within national secularity.

In my opinion i do not think this would work as it is technically Islam but changed to the point where Muslims would not be able to do some of the things they need too.

For example, wear hijabs or go to a mosque to pray. I think there should strict fine against Islamic extremists that makes them hesitant to even risk being Islam phobic and even though it will not completely stop the hate it will suppress it.

So, the rhetorical question in the title “it could be solved’’? only be resolved by the consensus of unilateral vision of the all the countries over the globe. Thus, incorporating such policies through which each and every nation prompts to tolerate other religions.
