An Eye-Opener for animal abusers in western Europe!

In the current times, we are witnessing, again and again, the gruesome and heinous wrongdoings practised on animals.  

A question ascends about how w,e as rational or emotional beings, abuse or neglect a living, gentle or voiceless creature. 

The answer is that our monstrous and evil intentions are to gain little turnover at the expanse of such species. 

Where are those states constructing a discourse that liberty, freedom and morality are grounded in the cradle of their civilisation?

 Why are they continuously snubbing this odious cruelty? 

Because they discount such a serious issue, their civilised nature is in question, i.e. why they are propagating such claims that they are civilised. 

Before mentioning the names of the countries, it should be noted that in this, we will talk about the active ill-treatment of animals, which means that it involves non-accidental and socially unacceptable behaviour which causes pain, suffering, or death to an animal. 

Onwards we’ll discuss the countries where the mistreatment of animals exceeds the limits; it includes the United States, Canada and Australia.

These barbaric treatments are multi-dimensional, meaning animal abuse is done in varied ways, incorporating gross neglect, hoarding, trade trafficking, hunting, organised abuse, intentional abuse and much more. 

By looking deep into the United States case study, we behold that this inhumane bustle has different stages of neglect.

 We are initiating from the state-federal law on the humane methods of slaughterhouse act which put some protection on mammals but does not comprehend poultry and farms.

 Due to this exception in-laws, Mcarthur dairy farms, owned by corporate giant Dean Foods in Florida, cause such harm to cows, which should be a misdemeanour. 

There, cows are electrocuted, painfully flamed, brutally tagged ears, beaten or stabbed with sharp devices to comply with workers’ demands, and harshly inseminated, and yet this just didn’t end here. The disease-suffering cows are needlessly shot and then dragged down by the head while still alive. 

On the other hand, due to the pandemic, the mass killing of chickens and pigs no longer brought to market are gassed and smothered with a foam in which they slowly suffocate due to the demand for cheap meat. 

In some other cases like trainers cruelly soring Tennessee Walking Horses to create an exaggerated and unnatural gait known as big lick; Chimpanzees injected with sedatives in laboratories for testing; daily thirty-six beagles suffer surgeries or forced ingestion for a Dow pesticide; illicit online sales and trade of exotic animals; dog fighting in police or firefighters as a source of entertainment and a blatant disregard (in the natural zoo, Virginia).

The same is the case with Canada, in that Flemish slaughterhouse factory practised unremitting cow abuse by electrocuting, using cattle drive stick, violently pulling them with ears or tail and maltreating them with pneumatic captive bolt guns used for the stunning cut method. 

Whereas, in the Maple Lodge farms Canada’s biggest poultry producer sadistically slams birds upside down into metal shackles, breaking their wings and legs. 

The story of the zoo is identical to the Virginia one, i.e. Thirty-Five Bears in the Niagara falls, Ontario, theme park suffered from chronic diarrhea as they fed a mixture of mouldy and expired food; birds are densely confined that they ripped each other’s feathers.

 Overcrowding causes whales to attack each other. Belugas have red, swollen eyes and cataracts because the shallow unshaded pool doesn't keep out sunlight.

This chronicle also had a continuum in Australia where the government wanted to kill two million Feral cats, covering 99% of Australia. In the northern state of queen's land, a council even offers a 10$ bounty per Feral cat scalp. 

It is because they are causing a threat to native extinct species like innumerable birds and brush-tailed rabbit rats.

The prevalent discussion point is to adopt such measures by the government, NGOs, civil society and other non-profit organisations to prevent this insanity against animals and grant their rights. 

US laws or acts like the 28-hour law, humane methods of livestock slaughterhouse act, animal welfare act, preventing animal cruelty and torture (PACT), and anti-tethering law exempt farmed animals and birds are provided minimal protection. 

Thus, these laws should be immediately improvised and implemented strictly to reduce animal abuse. 

Other measures to be taken include employing skilled labour or training in farming. Due to their rural background, people normalise animal abuse that they know how to deal with animals since they are rural. 

Then, they must avoid unnecessary surgeries (beagles chip testing) and experiments that cause permanent sight loss, hair or fur loss. 

Also, law enforcement agencies must prevent dog and cock fighting, which is further backed up by other crimes of drug and gambling. US are 2nd world's worst country in the voiceless animal cruelty index (VACI). Thus, they still have a way forward to introduce laws, mostly in the rural states.

Canada is placed 6th in VACI, meaning that they stand in a very poor position for animal protection. Following recommendations include hot car laws, which must be introduced to protect animals from harsh weather conditions. 

The irony of Canada’s law is that they simply accepted suffering, injury, or anxiety for animals in agriculture, zoological exhibitions, slaughter, training, fishing or hunting, and experimenting, like Manitoba Animal Care Act. Similarly, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act exempts agricultural and wildlife animals.

 That is why Marineland Park's cruelty is not questioned, as they exempt these rights to certain animals. 

Hence, the above laws should be repealed, and New laws should ordain. Also, children should be taught in primary school classrooms.

 Procedures like cat declawing, tail docking, and ear cropping that put animals through unnecessary harm should be outlawed, and instead, alternatives should be used to test something.

The case in hand of Australia also has similar problems to those mentioned above. Still, the unique thing is that their govt is deliberately saying to kill feral cats and kangaroo just to protect their own ‘national’ animals, birds and land.

 Recommendations are: ContraPest or other contraceptive pills should be introduced to control their fertility rather than killing.

 Then, there must be a properly fenced area where almost all the kangaroos should reside, and proper trainers for them are allocated. 

On the other hand, they have to assign trainers who can control their aggression and tame them to compact themselves to the particular environmental condition.

The government should immediately implement cruelty laws on 'farmed' animals. 

Also, in the tourism industry, animals must be centred concentration for all of us, and any harm provided should be fined for strict restrictions on animal abuse.
