Story of a girl who killed Satan


A historical story of demonic nun who intensifies its presence for years!

Welcome back to 10 Minus recap. Get yourself ready as you'll be introducing yourself to the horrifying thriller mystery of a movie, The nun, from the year 2018.

So, if you are prepared let’s jump to the mystery of the satanic nun in the abbey of Romania.

The story shows the plot which held back the event in 1952 at the Abbey of St Carta Romania, where two nuns in a tunnel holding their fear with faith enter “Finit Hic, Deo” an ancient Christian relic; captioned with “the god ends here.”

The nun ended up dying by the evil entity passing the key to Victoria another nun by stating “don't let it have you”.

Victoria holds the key tightly in her hand and sensing her death by the evil, she hangs herself from the window. 

In the contemporary world, the occurrence of the event caused the Vatican to send Father Burke, a priest with a haunting past to Romania to investigate the case and the church itself.

He pairs himself along with a to be called Nun, Irene, seen as teaching children the relationship between science and religion got ordered by her mother superior to prepare for the trip.

Their journey is accompanied by a local Frenchie, a flirtatious nobleman, who kept Victoria’s body in his delivery’s icehouse.

Father examines the surprisingly sitting position of Victoria’s body, finds the key in her hand and gives her corpse a proper burial.

The moment comes when all of them entered the church, while Irene saw abbess- the nun in black who knows everything about everyone and advised them to leave the place. On father’s insistence, she allows them to stay in the lodging and wait till morning as the night was followed by the “Great Silence”.

The Frenchie was asked to end his journey with them, on his way got attacked by a nun, but luckily escapes.

Following the dinner, Irene explains her mental instability and many unique nun visions in her head, leading her way to the Church. Whereas Burke shares the regretful death of a child, Daniel, in World War 2, due to exorcism. He lefts the room questioning “I often wonder if I was too eager with my determination.” Ending this up as hidden advice to Irene stating, “That is a puzzle.”

Under the demonic activity, the noise of the recorder caused Burke to wake up and got buried alive in the coffin by the evil force. But got saved by Irene, thanks to her visionary abilities.

The next day, Burke and Iren entered the abbey until Iren decides to find out the abbess. Following a nun's shadow, Iren was about to disturb a nun offering her prayers, till Oana nun hold her and told Iren that they’ll be praying in swapping shifts to “…. maintain a constant vigil.”

Meanwhile, upon questioning about the tradition of covering the mirror Frenchie got to know the suicidal death of a 12-year-old girl and senses danger for visitors at the abbey.

The father bruke reading “5 Valak The Snake” heard the closing of the gate while stating “Valak. The defiler. The profane. The marquis of Snakes.”

Iren sharing the table with sister Oana was repeatedly interrupted by nuns while she was discussing Victoria’s death.

Upon questioning the history of the abbey by Iren, Oana explained that the castle was built in Middle Ages by the duke due to his obsession with the occult. He was killed by Christian knights, who sealed the evil rift with Jesus’s blood. But the evil entity got unleashed due to bombings in World War 2.

Iren told her about the shadow of a nun as ‘holy’ but Oana cluttering the evil presence with the death of Victoria said “I feel her presence it means the portal has opened again. It made sister Victoria commit the ultimate sin.” She suddenly got interrupted by a nun and was called for her praying shift.

Iren waits till sunrise for the gates to open stays the night in the abbey.  

Looking for Iren, Abbess arrives and questions Father about his concerns. He asked her about the key to which Abbess said her last words “It’s too late, Father. Sister Iren is lost.”

Iren got attacked by Valak, joined the prayers with other nuns who were getting murdered.

Meanwhile, Father wanting to save Iren, saw Valak’s deadly arrival in form of a demonic nun.

Frenchie enters the castle and saves the father. They meet Iren, who painfully got a ‘star’ scar from Valka during her intense praying. The father told her it was the vision until they saw the body of Victoria who sacrificed her life, stopping evil to possess her body.

Upon touching her corpse, she turned into Valka and attacked Burke. He manages to set it on fire by using holy water and reciting the bible, but it didn’t work until Frenchie shot it.

Iren decides to seal the evil using Jesus’s blood from the tunnel, but before that, she took her final vows.

The trio witnessed the relic and the father hand over the Pureblood to Iren as she is the “a true bride of Christ.”

On their way to find the gateway, Iren founds the gateway until Frenchie upon hearing her screams arrives there and saw her look-alikes with covered heads.

Valka possessed Iren’s body and attacked him. Frenchie puts the holy blood on her face that led the malevolent force to leave Iren's body. 

Valka transforms into a nun and throw Iren into a pool of water and killed the French man.

Father Burke looking for Iren bitten by a snake in his eye but made his way out to save Iren from Valka.

As he was reciting, got attacked by Valka. Iren was about to die until she spits the pure blood on the demonic nun, which causes her end.

The Frenchie was not completely dead yet as she saves Iren by giving her CPR or as per the movie “the kiss of life.”

Further, Iren asked for his real name “Maurice” and thanked him for saving her life.

Only the audience knows that Maurice has been possessed by Valak as shown by the inverted cross on his neck. 

A new beginning, after twenty years, Carolyn perron at a university seminar shows the footage of Ed and Lorraine Warren attempting to exorcise Maurice, who grabs Lorraine and gives her a vision of Ed’s death.

The events illustrate the start of a new chapter and the initial stages of another investigation of the Hodgson household haunting.
